Monday, May 27, 2013

End of the Year Picnic

How quickly May has gone by! To celebrate the end of the year, Crockett's class had an end of the year picnic. We all met at the park with toys, snacks, baby brothers and lots of friends! The kids got to play all morning, and fortunately, we lucked out with beautiful weather! Bowen even got to play in the sand with some new friends, which he loved. For a while, anyways. I made a quick trip to my sister's house in the middle of the picnic to deposit my super-fussy baby. Mrs. Ford tried to hold him and he slapped her hand away... hope she forgives him before he becomes one of her BEARS :) We sent a sack lunch with the kids and they all sat and ate together. After they said their blessing. Might be my favorite part of this year. Love how much they have taught Crockett about the Bible, and how much he has loved learning about it. After lunch, and a juice box and dessert, they were all off to play again. Crockett ran around with Jack and Addisyn, his 2 best buddies all year long. Although, he loved everyone in his class and is still talking about them. The kids gave Mrs. Ford her gift and thanked her for being such a wonderful teacher. We just loved her and are so thankful for the love and encouragement she gave to Crockett (and us) all year. This was such a wonderful year and we are blessed to be a part of such a special school!

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