Sunday, October 7, 2012

Crockett's 1st Field Trip

Crockett and all his classmates got to take their 1st field trip to the grocery store! I was lucky enough to get to tag along. All the children, their teachers, and several parents, including me, got to ride on the bus to Market Street. It was pretty fun. Crockett was very excited to ride the "Fool Bus" and felt like a VERY big boy :) We got to the grocery store and Crockett began to have a mini-meltdown because he couldn't get a little basket, nor would I let him ride in a big basket... Not a great way to start the tour. Once we got it together, he began to have a little fun and would put a little distance between us without freaking out. We got to watch one lady make a cake, which they later got to eat. When we left the bakery, all the kids got rings. That was very COOL! By the time we got to the produce section, we were clingy no more, and were having a great time. Thank goodness! We got to see crabs, fish and lobsters, which was probably Crockett's favorite part. We have had to go look at them again every time we have gone to the grocery store since then. It is even better because there is a "pirate ship" above all the fish. The kids all went into the freezer where they keep the ice cream. It was SO COLD! The kids had such a great time and I think the parents did too. I can now see why the teachers were so thankful for all the help. We had to block the kids in from every angle or we would have had a few drifters! The kids all left with fruit snacks, rings, a cake and flowers. It was such a fun morning and I was so glad to share the experience.

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