Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silly Daddy!

Every Tuesday night I play tennis in a ladies doubles leauge. I always look forward to my one baby-free night out of the house. Lately, though, it has been a bit difficult for Chris... Crockett is now in the phase where he is very fussy when Mommy is not there to bathe, put him to sleep or feed him ~ I guess it is separation anxiety beginning to kick in. I know it is good for him to have some Daddy-time, but the other night he got very fussy and in trying to quickly get him ready for bed, Chris grabbed the 1st pajamas that he could find, got him dressed and to sleep before I got home. (He is so great :) When I got home, I went in to check on him and looked at him... his legs were only half covered and something didn't look quite right. This is what I found...

I DIED laughing! I had tears streaming down my face.... It was the funniest thing!!! Chris had grabbed a little gown I was going to let his cousin's newborn son use. It is teeny-tiny and is for babies UP TO 7LBS! No wonder it was so short and squeezing his chubby little legs :) I can't believe my 20 lb. 7 month old baby fit into this nighty! It sure was funny though! I love you, Chris.


Brooke said...

OK I just have to comment on this! First off Chris you are not alone! James is guilty of this as well but at least James put some pants on under Blake’s gown. I am laughing so hard right now. You just have to love daddy daycare!

Monica Curry said...

This is just too funny! Chris, I say you still get an 'E' fir effort!!!!

valbrown said...

wow. I love it! Crockett still looks so cute, even in tiny pjs <3