I have become quite the bad blogger... since my last post, so much has happened. I will try to get it all up here at some point. We have been busy... what can I say!?!?
My baby turned 4 months old last Wednesday, but we didn't go to the Dr. until today. As of today, he weighs 16 lbs. 3 oz. and is 26 in. That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight and length! He is just growing like crazy with no end in sight! I have chosen not to start cereal until 6 months. It is not like he is not getting enough to eat! He is just getting to be SO much fun! He has found his voice and will carry on conversations with anyone who wants to talk to him. I swear the other night, he and Cade Luig had a 10 minute conversation... Crockett talked and Cade patiently listened! If only I had had my video camera :) He is not quite rolling over, but is close enough that I can no longer leave him knowing that he will not move. I am sure it is only a matter of time! He is still gnawing on his hands, occasionally sucking on his thumb... but usually, the more fingers he can fit in there the better! I have seen him gag himself several times. He has found his feet a couple of times, but is not too interested yet. Saydi has now been noticed. Crockett will just look at her and smile... it is a sweet smile, but I don't think Saydi thinks it is sweet. She should be scared... I know I am! He will follow Chris and I with his eyes if we walk out of the room and he will look for us if he hears our voices. There are so many things he is doing that I just love! He is one of the most ticklish babies... and just belly laughs at the touch of his tummy! All of the clothes that currently fill his closet are getting too small. I have started boxing some of them up, but I quit because it makes me too sad. He has only a small amount of the dark hair he was born with. It is right on his neck and beginning to get kind of long... his daddy thinks he is getting a "Kentucky waterfall" (aka a mullet!) Needless to say, the past 4 months have flown by! My sweet baby Crockett is no longer a little bitty baby, although I think he will always be one in my eyes. I think each month is such a bittersweet milestone... but I look forward to each one!
By the way, I took 62 pictures trying to just get 1 smile.... didn't get one! What a stinker :)
He's getting so big! I look forward to seeing him in the next couple of months when he'll be able to meet his new cousin!
What a sweetie, they do grow up so fast. Mine just turned 3 on the 26th! I had a breakdown in Wal-Mart buying him a Spiderman toy...it seems like I was just buying him little Fisher Price toys yesterday! Enjoy him!!! And there is nothing wrong with taking 62 pictures!!!!
Aww Jessica he is looking so big! They do grow entirely to fast but each month is more exciting then the last. I better get to writing a post about Blake turning 11 months old! I'm already 2 days late! =)
Look at that little stinker! I swear he gets cuter and cuter every single day...if that is even possible. He's getting too big too fast. We love Mr. Crockett so so much!
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